Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 1, Day 2 of Microbiology

  May 15th, 2013

  We repeated the experiment from the first day, since there was no bacterial growth.  We took a swab and swiped a piece of gum stuck to a trash can outside to get a sample of bacteria.  We stored it in the 35 degree Celsius incubator.  

  We practiced the Aseptic Technique. 


  We read over and reviewed the Streak plates, the Pour plates, and the Spread plates.  These all had to do with isolating the bacteria to get pure cultures.  We read over and reviewed the Streak plates, the Pour plates, and the Spread plates.  These all had to do with isolating the bacteria to get pure cultures.  After reading from our lab manuals about streak plates, we practiced the technique by making a template on our own paper. 

The Template

The Agar is placed in the tube or plate to create a gelatin solid, in order that the bacteria might stick to it.  It provides nutrients for the growing bacteria.

 Our professor then gave us a pure culture sample on a slanted agar.  He told us to keep it at 25 degree Celsius.  He assigned us as group 4.  We used the pure culture sample to create a streak plate.  We also used it it create a slant and a broth.  We then stored them at the room temperature, 25 degree Celsius.

Transfer of bacteria to slant

Transfer of bacteria to broth


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